Friday, November 25, 2016

Had a very good show at Straffan Antiques with a lot of interest and plenty of sales.  Thanks to everyone who came along - really made it worth all the effort.  Thanks too to Niamh Coady for her tremendous help in setting it up and to her husband, artist Jamie Dunne, for his help in setting up the exhibition.  They are a great team.

Here is a selection from the exhibition: -

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Almost there!

Just finishing off some stuff for the exhibition at Straffan Antiques and Design.  Paintings being framed and I'm getting ready to hang the exhibition on Tuesday.  Looking forward to opening up in one week, on Wednesday 14th September.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I'm going solo!

Summer 2016

I'm going solo in September!  Yes, I'm breaking radio silence and showing what I've been up to over the past couple of years.  And I've been doing a lot.   It'll be on show from September 13th to October 2nd at Straffan Antiques Art Gallery.  It's going to be a bit of an 'eclectic picnic' - with a mix of stuff from etchings to oils to watercolours etc.  I'll let you see some samples later.

For now though, just keep those dates in mind - September 13th to October 2nd.  I'll give more details later.